Hellenic Food Authority Workshop on Innovation & Entrepreneurship

Hellenic Food Authority Workshop on Innovation & Entrepreneurship EFET (Hellenic Food Authority) organizes a Workshop on: “Innovation and entrepreneurship in food production: quality – safety – environment”  The event will take place in Athens (Divani Palace Acropolis Hotel), on Friday April 26th, 2013. Deadline for applications April 23rd, 2013.   DS Consulting participates in the event with Dimitris Sotiropoulos as a speaker,...

Happy holidays!

Happy holidays!

Carbon Footprint: A new way to look into old things…

Carbon Footprint: A new way to look into old things… Written by Dimitris Sotiropoulos for the Innovation Farm Carbon footprinting is a term directly connected in our minds with environmental protection. When we bump on a product that declares its carbon footprint, we reflectively come to the conclusion that the company which produces it takes actions against climate change and is certainly doing something good for the environment. This is something...

DS Consulting: New partnership with the Innovation Farm

DS Consulting: New partnership with the Innovation Farm DS Consulting and the Innovation Farm join forces in farm development, management and training in agriculture. The cooperation is focusing on the business development for new farms and the re-adaptation of already existing ones. Agricultural sector seems like a safe haven against the ongoing economic crisis and the fast rise of unemployment. It certainly is a solution for covering a...

Carbon Footprint: Communicating with Consumers

Carbon Footprint: Communicating with Consumers Dimitris Sotiropoulos General Manager at DS Consulting . The care of the environment and all related services are today a part of a new Global trend, which concerns the relation between producers and consumers. The use of environmental claims, in terms of corporate social responsibility and green marketing, has created a new sector where innovative service models continually arise. A relatively...

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